Episode 8: Yoshi Nakagawa

This week, Ba speaks with Dr. Yoshiharu Nakagawa, the founder and guiding light of The Asia-Pacific Network of Holistic Education. Yoshi has the amazing ability to speak of contemplative education in a way that allows everyone to not only understand what it is but to use it with children in all educational settings. Find this episode on iTunesGoogle Play or Stitcher, and subscribe to get future episodes automatically. Read the full transcript of Episode 8 here.


Yoshiharu Nakagawa, PhD., is a professor of education at Doshisha University, in Kyoto, Japan. His current interests include holistic education, spirituality, transpersonal psychology, Eastern philosophy, Indian philosophy, and contemplation. He teaches holistic education and contemplative education at his school, and is active in the Japanese Society for Holistic Education & Care, and the Japanese Association of Transpersonal Psychology & Psychiatry. He is also one of the founding members of the Asia-Pacific Network of Holistic Education. 

He is the author of Education for Awakening: An Eastern Approach to Holistic Education (2000) and the co-editor of Nurturing Our Wholeness: Perspectives on Spirituality in Education (2002), in addition to contributing articles  to many journals and anthologies.

His translator:

Sachiko Gomi, PhD. Is Assistant professor of Social Work at Western New Mexico University. Sachiko practices a holistic approach to social work.

In this Podcast:

  • The importance of Contemplative Practice for educators and students
  • The spread of Holistic Education in the Asian Pacific Rim
  • Education in Japan and the challenges for Holistic Education
  • Bonus: Holistic practices in a New Mexican social service clinic

Click here for a transcript of the podcast.